The Chiss Species | Canon

PC: Star Wars Rebels Wiki

     A sentient, humanoid species, the Chiss was a species that even in universe was considered to be that of legends. All members of the species have their iconic blue-toned skin, piercing red eyes, and dark blue hair. These characteristics often cause a Chiss to be mistaken for a Pantoran. A more simple way to tell the difference between the two species is the fact that those native of Pantora do not possess red eyes. The Chiss also possess sharper hearing than when compared to a human, and their red eyes give them infrared vision that aids them in reading other individuals.

     “The Chiss must be approached from a position of strength and respect. One must have strength, for the Chiss will deal only with those capable of keeping their promises. One must have respect, for the Chiss must believe that those promises will be kept.” ―Thrawn  

     The territory belonging to the Chiss is in the Unknown Regions, or Wild Space, part of why they have remained so hidden, leading their existence to only be that of legends. The existence of the Chiss was not fully realized until Imperial forces happened upon a member of the species named Mitth’raw’nuruodo, or more commonly known as Thrawn. Thrawn rose through the ranks of the Empire to one day hold the rank of Grand Admiral, making quite an impact in events before the Battle of Yavin.

     Their culture was led by the Chiss Ascendancy, their own form of government for their people, with a ruling class of members known as the Aristocra. While the full extent of their species is not entirely known, the Chiss Ascendancy does possess their own Defense Fleet. The only recorded language used by the Chiss was that of Sy Bisti, which was used in the few trading occurrences that are known to have happened. The language does not seem to be exclusive to the Chiss, rather it is a trade language used in the Unknown Regions. The language was so rare, that even many translator droids did not possess the knowledge to translate it to other individuals.

     “They’re supposed to be great warriors. Clever, resourceful, proud. Intensely loyal to one another, too.” ― Ensign Eli Vanto

     The Chiss Ascendancy and accompanying species is still shrouded in mystery, but one thing is for certain: they are not a group of beings to underestimate.

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